Considering Providence? You are warmly invited to our Preview Night on Thursday, January 30.
6:30pm: PreK-6th grade families
7:30pm: 7th-12th grade families

Complete Visioning Document

In October of 2012, the school board, along with representatives from the parents and faculty, met for several days to articulate more clearly our vision for classical Christian education at Providence. The result was the beginnings of a consensus around aspects of our school life that we hold dear and ideals that we desire to realize. Three broad areas continued to be discussed and highlighted; namely, our commitment to Christian education, our efforts toward classical education, and the gift of our community as a place of learning and service. It was decided that a document should be written to articulate and expand on these themes to provide further clarity and consensus.

This articulation of our vision is our “stake” document.  That is to say, as we climb our own Parnassus of classical Christian education, this document is like a stake driven deep into a hill, anchoring us in our strivings. It prevents us from wandering far from our set course. It also frees us to forgo the profusion of paths and good ideas that nevertheless do not embody our vision.

In practice, this document is to be used as a guide for all of our institutional decisions. Whether we are addressing our curriculum, our finances, our facilities, our faculty, or our policies, our efforts should continually be shaped by this vision.

This is a public document, produced by and for our school community. As such, it is our hope that it will be continually received as an opportunity to grow together toward the goals and ideals that it sets forth.

It is with gratitude to our God and Lord that we have been given this opportunity to educate our children in such a time and place. We humbly recognize that even in the midst of our failings, God has granted us rich blessings. All that we have and all that we accomplish is a gift from our heavenly Father–grace from first to last. We pray that all who continue in this path at Providence Classical Christian Academy will continue in gratitude and faith so that in all things God will be glorified.


The Board of Directors, May 2013

Download Vision Document

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Our desire is to equip our students as citizens of God’s kingdom for a lifetime of faithful service to God, the Church, their families, their communities, and the common good.