School Culture
At Providence we seek to build a culture that is richly festive, deeply Christian, and filled with opportunities for students to expand their love for the true, good, and beautiful beyond the classroom.

Whether its in regular all-community festivals, our robust house system, daily services of prayer, field trips and travel opportunities, or athletics, Providence seeks to provide a school culture that is a dulce domum or sweet home for our students and their families.
A Richly Festive School Culture
Our festivals allow us to celebrate key features of our life together. Literature Festival cultivates a deeper appreciation of excellent literature. Harvest Festival provides an occasion for us to recognize others, giving gratitude for their service to us. Our annual Lessons and Carols performance celebrates the birth of Christ. Each is an occasion for our community to celebrate and feast together.
A Vibrant House System
Our house system shapes the culture of our whole school. Students are divided into eight houses, four in the lower school and four in the upper school. Lower and upper school houses are paired together for activities throughout the year. Our four upper school houses provided contexts for both camaraderie and fierce competition as they strive to win the coveted House Cup. Our House Council provides upper school students with opportunities to develop leadership skills.
In Daily Prayer
We start our school days with matins, a morning prayer service, where lower school students sit with their upper school buddies as we pray, recite Scripture, and sing together. Our upper school meets for a weekly chapel service where various speakers offer biblical wisdom for daily life.
Courage to Explore Beyond the Classroom
We encourage our students to extend their learning beyond the classroom through regular field trips to a variety of local sites such as the St. Louis Zoo, the Botanical Gardens, and the Eagleton Courthouse. Additionally, we offer two capstone travel opportunities: sixth graders head to Williamsburg, while our juniors and seniors participate in a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Europe.
Intentional in Our Approach to Technology
In our technology-obsessed culture, we believe that it’s critical for students to gain a better understanding of the proper place of technology in their lives. We are intentionally low-tech in our younger grades, while preparing our graduates for college and beyond.
Committed to Excellence and Character in Competition
Whether it’s on the volleball or basketball court, or on the home stretch of the cross country course, we strive for excellence and character in our athletics.