Our curriculum begins with the end in mind, purposefully building from the earliest formative years to the cultivation of our ideal graduate.

We pursue rigorous academics, but with the aim of applying the knowledge and skills acquired to form a fully realized person. Educating the whole person means awakening them to the truth of who God, who they are, and what they were made to be, which is far more than merely achieving academic proficiency, though it is certainly not less than that. We aim for students to find delight in the leisure of life, and all those God-glorifying thoughts and activities that draw us nearer to our creator.
Lower School
You will find time-tested tools in our classrooms such as singing, chanting, and reciting, in addition to hands-on opportunities to grasp the wonder of God’s creation. In literature, ach class reads classics of children’s literature appropriate to the grade level. In history, each grade studies a particular segment of history progressing from ancient to modern in four-year cycles. Our students learn the narratives of the Old and New Testaments, and beginning in fourth grade, study the Latin language.
Upper School
As students transition to the upper school, they take all of the knowledge they have gained in the lower school years and apply it to more advanced studies in humanities, fine and performing arts, logic, rhetoric, math, and sciences. Hallmarks of our upper school curriculum include a senior thesis and our Shakespeare-in-a-week production. It is in the upper school that we begin to challenge students to grapple with the more complex implications of their own studies and equip them to arrive at their own conclusions regarding the biggest and most important questions about life, what it means to be human, and what it looks like to live as a Christian in our present age.