Matins & Chapel
Matins, our daily morning prayer service, and chapel are two ways that we seek to live, teach, and learn coram deo—in the presence of God.

For Providence, being a Christian school means more than just the occasional Bible or theology class. Rather, our faith is woven into the fabric of each day as teachers model Christian maturity and incorporate their faith in a multiplicity of subjects. Matins and chapel provide us with set apart time during the school day to acknowledge the presence and work of God in our lives, giving gratitude for his many gifts, and seeking to be formed into the image of Jesus Christ.
Our Buddy System
Every year our grammar school students are paired with an upper school student who serves as their “buddy” for the year. We use our buddy system to offer mentoring opportunities for our older students, as they check in on their grammar school buddies during morning prayer and are able to help them as we read Scripture, pray together, and sing together. Buddies will also partner together for service projects and other activities throughout the year.
Every day school day begins with the whole school gathering together in the sanctuary for a shared service of morning prayer. During matins we recite Psalms and historic Christian creeds, sing hymns, and pray together. Morning prayer allows us to begin our day in God’s presence and ask for his provision and guidance for the day’s work ahead.
Upper School Chapel
Once a week our upper school students gather for a chapel service which serves as an opportunity to break from the normal classroom routine and invites students to participate in a short liturgy of Bible reading, prayer, and song. Students get to hear teachers share about how the Bible speaks to the practical issues of daily life. Chapel serves as one way in which we seek to form our students’ spiritual lives alongside their intellects.