Considering Providence? You are warmly invited to our Preview Night on Thursday, January 30.
6:30pm: PreK-6th grade families
7:30pm: 7th-12th grade families

Portrait of a Graduate

Our desire is to equip our students as citizens of God’s kingdom for a lifetime of faithful service to God, the Church, their families, their communities, and the common good.

A Good Servant

“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children,” says Solomon. This student’s life is being increasingly conformed to the model of virtue we see in Christ Jesus who came “not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). This requires a rich understanding of his Word, a compelling picture of his relevance for their lives, and a commitment to embrace the costly, yet worthwhile, journey of serving Christ for a lifetime.

A True Scholar

Our rigorous academics are not aimed at creating prideful self-righteousness. Rather, our ideal graduate reflects the virtues of humility and charity in their pursuit of the truth—aspiring to be a charitable reader of others, a well-rounded student of a variety of disciplines, and an insatiably curious life-long learner.

A Beautiful Witness

In our increasingly post-Christian world, we desire to see our graduates become winsome, faithful witnesses to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with clear and convicted use of the language God has given us. By God’s grace, with their robust understanding of a Christian worldview, deeply embedded habits and practices, and rightly ordered affections, our students go out into the world as those who seek to peel back the darkness and bring the light of Christ.

Equipped as a Citizen of God’s Kingdom to serve the Common Good

As a good servant, true scholar, and beautiful witness, our ideal graduate is fully equipped to serve as a citizen of the kingdom of God, ready to confront the trials and challenges of life and serve as stewards of the good creation that God has entrusted to his image bearers in whatever vocation to which they may be called. Our graduate recognizes that his gifts are not his own—they are for the good of others—family, church, and community.

For the Glory of God

“Not to us, O Lord, but your name give glory,” the Psalmist writes. Our motto, “non nobis” (Latin for “not to us”) brings into focus the ultimate purpose for all education: that we might equip our graduate for the most important endeavor of their life: to bring God honor.

Where are our Alumni?

The vast majority of our students pursue a college degree upon completion of their work at Providence. Providence graduates attend a wide variety of undergraduate programs: from large public universities like Missouri State, Truman State, and Missouri S&T, to smaller Christian liberal arts colleges like Wheaton, Covenant, Biola and Union.